2017 SHRM Alabama Annual State Conference Presentations
- "Color Accounting for HR Professionals" by Peter Frampton
- "A New Era in Compensation - How to be Innovative and Forward Thinking" by Pam Murray
- "Fiduciary Responsibilities under ERISA" by David Joffee
- "How to Set Up a Successful College Recruiting Program" by Kristina Minyard and Jillian Miles
2016 SHRM Alabama Annual State Conference Presentations
"Background Screening: What You Don't Know Can Hurt Your Organization" by Debra Keller
"Employment Law Update" by Matthew Cannova
"Hazard Communication and GHS What Supervisors Need to Know" by Malcom Ritchie
"Strategic Leadership Solutions: Building Vision, Alignment and Execution" by Mary White
"The Black Guy in C-Suite" by Marlin Smith
"The New HR Math" by Laurie Ruettiman / Tim Sackett
2015 SHRM Alabama Annual State Conference Presentations
- "Do Staffing Firms Really Know my Pain, or is it all an Illusion?" by Kristina Minyard
- "The Merry Go Round of Employement Law: Your 2015 Edition" by Katherine Reeves and Samantha Smith
- "Bold HR" by Broc Edwards
- "Cotton Candy, Funnel Cakes, and Social: What's on the Menu for Your Employees in 2015" by Ben Eubanks
- "You Must Be THIS Tall to Ride - Generational Struggles in the Workplace" by Kristin Scroggin
2014 SHRM Alabama Annual State Conference Presentations
"Get Fired Up HR People (And Get Your Employees Fired Up Too!)" by Aric Bostick
"Step Up Your Legal & Legislative Game" by Panelists: Jennifer Swain, Jamie Brabston & Juanita Phillips
"The Contingent Workforce - Are They Contractors, Temps, Leased, or Your Employees" by Tamula Yelling
"Step Up Your Employees Benefits, Health and Wellness Game" by Panelists: Scott Smith, Michelle Pawlik and Jackie Whitehead
"Step Up Your HR Brand (Competence, Confidence and Credibility)" by Panelists: Melva Tate, Eunice Elliot, and Robin Schooling
"Leading and Living Like You Own It! Why We Never Wax A Rental Car" by Greg Gilbert
2013 SHRM Alabama Annual State Conference Presentations
"Changing People Who Don't Want to Change" by Reut Schwartz Hebron
"Implementing a Strategic D&I Initiative: Focused on the Return On Investment" by William Rolack
"Benefit Trends & Best Practices 2013 & Beyond" by Mark Johnson
2011 SHRM Alabama Annual State Conference Presentations
- Dana Thrasher
- Wayne Bowling
- "Conducting an Employee Self-Audit" (Presentation) by Jay St. Clair
- "Conducting a Labor Relations Self-Audit" (Handout) by Jay St. Clair
- "Cultural Emotional Intelligence" by Jarik Conrad
2010 SHRM Alabama Annual State Conference Presentations
- "Becoming a Best Company to Work For" by Susan Springer
- "The ABCs of Ethics: Applications for HR Professionals" by Michael Buckner
- "So You Think You Can HR?" presented by Sue Hengel, Janet Parker, and John Faure
- "Basics of Union Organizing and Proposed Legislation" by John Hargrove
- "Influencer: The Power to Change Anything" by Sharon Lovoy
- "Disruptive Demographics: Implications for Workforce Planning and Development" by James Johnson, Jr.
- "Maximizing HR Value in a Down Economy" by Bill Lyons (Maximizing HR Value)