If you use or know of HR resources that should be added to this list please send them to us at admin@alshrm.org
Bureau of Labor Statistics - http://www.bls.gov/
This site provides you access to a broad variety of U.S. Labor Market Information, including demographic trends and statistics and much more!
Business and Legal Reports - http://hr.blr.com
Free HR tools
CCH Human Resources - hr.cch.com/
Free newsletter available
Con Web - app.mt.gov/conweb/
The CONWEB service, provided by the Montana Department of Corrections, provides records information for convicted felons in the state of Montana.
EEOC - http://www.eeoc.gov/
This link takes you to the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission where you can search for information on EEO including how to respond to a complaint, mediation, and legal requirements.
IHRIM - http://www.ihrim.org/
International Association for Human Resources Information Management
Library of Congress - http://www.loc.gov/
This site takes you to the largest library in the U.S., the library of congress. The site is searchable and contains information about almost any publication.
OSHA - http://www.osha.gov/%5D
This link takes you to the Occupational Safety & Health Administration where workplace safety regulations and requirements can be searched. Training resources, current initiatives and other useful tools are also available.
Sexual and Violent Offender Registry - http://www.doj.state.mt.us/svor/
This link provides you with information about individuals who may be required by law, because of a prior criminal record of sexual and violent offenses, to register with law enforcement authorities. The site is searchable by multiple catagories of offende
U.S. Supreme Court Decisions - supct.law.cornell.edu:8080/supct/
This link provides you access to and allows you to search for U. S. Supreme Court Decisions. The site is provided through the Cornell University Legal Information Institute.
US Department of Labor - https://www.dol.gov/
This link takes you to the U.S. Department of Labor.
What you need to know about HR - http://www.humanresources.about.com/
A jam packed site of information about HR and links to other HR sites
Work Flex information
Workforce - http://www.workforce.com/
HR Trends & Tools for Business Results